Focus Blend

Focus Blend
This organic herbal tea has been handcrafted for those wanting that little bit of extra support to focus during the day. A blend made to give you clarity.
Rosemary: Uses include: stimulates blood flow, improves memory and concentration, eases anxiety, tension and depression.
Peppermint: Common uses include: relieves nausea and motion sickness, calms, restores and lends clarity, clears throat, boosts energy
Basil: Can help with mental clarity and as a stimulant
Gotu Kola: Revered for thousands of years for its ability to enhance cognitive function and to increase long-term memory
Blueberries: Improves circulation, packed with anitoxidants
Ashwagandha Root: Some uses include: tonic, rejuvenative, aphrodisiac, sedative, astringent, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory
Ingredients: Rosemary, Peppermint, Basil, Gotu Kola, Blueberries, Ashwagandha Root